Saturday, 17 July 2010

Peace Vs War

I really find it funny (and honestly down right ignorant) that our nations hold onto the idea that we must fight for our freedom. This is the most contradicting belief I have ever come across! Now, I realize that this is a contradiction that I have created (to understand anything I must take responsibility), so lets discuss this....
How do our nations find peace if we are fighting?
How do we join hands with our brothers and sisters in unity if we keep getting up in arms (literally)?
The only way to peace, harmony and freedom is through PEACE, HARMONY AND FREEDOM. It is not achieved by going and shooting people. This is the simplest reasoning I am aware of, but apparently there is a part of me that refuses to see this because there is a part of me that continues to fight for my peace....which, by the way, is impossible. As long as I am in conflict with myself, I am not finding my peace within. By finding peace with myself and who I have always been (The One), I realize that nothing has or ever will be separate from Me (unless of course I willing choose to see the perspective that I am separate from the world)). If we really want to get down to it, it is the fear of ourselves that cause us to fear others (and thus go to war). We can justify all we like, saying that "Well, those people are terrorists and must be wiped out). Go ahead and say all you like about these so-called "bad-people", but when it comes down to it, I AM everything and I AM those "other people". If I have an issue with anything (lets say people I've labelled "terrorists"), I really have an issue with a part of me that I refuse to accept. That issue can only be resolved by Me and Me alone. Going to war is only keeping me in denial. If I am fighting the so-called terrorists, I have become the terrorist myself and therefore I have become the very thing I have an issue with (which doesn't make much sense if what I really want is peace). If I want to stop the terrorists, I have to stop being the terrorist. If what I really want to achieve is peace, then I have to BE PEACEFUL.
When nations fight, we are not at peace; we are at war. Instead of remembering the bloody wars we have endured on Remembrance Day, why don't we do our forefathers a favour and start remembering the peace that they were attempting to achieve? Why don't we find that peace in our hearts and start acting like the truly grateful and giving creatures we have always been? I think this is what they would want us to do. If anything, most of them had to learn the hard way that you cannot fight for freedom; freedom comes from within and must be shown in everything we do together. We are all One, and we can act like it too. Join hands with your brothers and sisters today and everyday and remember the beautiful peace you have always had together...that is true remembrance.
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