I am trying to gather all my feeling and sentiments and i have tried to advocate it very positively. Life in the boiling room gave me lot of good fond memories.Friends and the senior guys are very much cooperative and understanding.There should be triangular connection with the agent, customer and the supervisor thus sale will be made easily.Frankly speaking about the floor environment should be jolly superb and awesome.Many think that work in the call center is one of the second hardest job in the world. As i come to know that it is hard and tough when you take it as hard and difficult. To cope with the obstackles, playing with the own rebuttals and words is one of the fantastic way of communication. enjoy it with the fullest. entered in the call center to learn and make myself fluent in the verbal communication.As i come to know that the corporate world always talk about the give and take policy and that is what i learn during the sort period of time in the call center.
Yes there are many types of call centers in Nepal.One of the very popular and emerging campaign is web campaign.If i have to take the emerging call centers here in Nepal is Serving mind, Linktree
and so on.I was chatting with my sister about the call center she urged that the schedules and the hurdles is much more worse and pathetic.What i believe in such hurdles is like a energy booster to the agents who are dialing for the respective call centers.Over and all it is learning while earnig.Give it and take it and to concluded be loud and be proud, focus and hit the best shot, finally you will meet the your target.