Sunday, 14 September 2014

Rainbow- colours of joy!!!

Human beings who cuddle and kiss the beauty of the nature are blessed with various knowledge and skill. We should be very much owe to Her and be careful with the Mother nature . Tender care, love and respect should be given to the mother nature.Respect and you will get respect in returns.Once John Keats said a thing of beauty is joy forever. Nature is an amazing place to be and is very unpredictable too.
I am a nature lover. Peace in serenity and swimming with the nature’s lap gives me pleasure to the content.I admire beauty in beauty. Beauty contains purity, and purity exists in every beautiful living creatures. So my admiration goes to every beautiful existence. Rainbow to me is rain and bow which is two words that include life and respect. You might have question deep inside your mind. It is simple and easy that is rain- it is life for all and ,bow - it is to respect and to lower head in front mother nature. My sentiment and inner heart beat beats therefore beats the drum of joy- colour of , Rainbow.